31 October 2007


I'm working on a few things:

  1. Underworld by Don DeLillo. I'm about a third of the way through and so far I'm completely enraptured. It's difficult to find substantial blocks of time during which I can read the novel, which takes considerate levels of attention. I'm also finding that this is a novel that's difficult to read in bits and pieces-- I need to read it in blocks. Basically, it's coming, slow and steady.

  2. Fraud by David Rakoff. A recommendation from RW. It's a collection of essays about the life experiences of Rakoff, "a gay Jew from New York." He's hilarious and the essays are short, slightly disillusioned, but always endearing.

  3. Many and Varied has been put on hold. I've decided to take contributions from a couple more writers, so the first issue will most likely be published within the next few weeks. Shall I make it available online?

  4. I'm not really working on this, but... go listen to Akron/Family's Akron/Family. It's astounding and I love it.

1 comment:

Stefan (the android) said...

you have an interesting blog. odd what Googling for words like "herold bloom" will give you.
how is underworld? thats on my to-read list. i really enjoy delillo.
i look forward to reading more blog entries when i get a chance